Fast Facts on Zinc

Wednesday 13th February 2019

Fast Facts on Zinc

Zinc is a trace element that is necessary for a healthy immune system. A lack of zinc can make a person more susceptible to disease and illness.

Fast facts on zinc


Here are some key points about zinc. Zinc is an important aspect of nutrition

Zinc deficiency can occur if there is not a high enough consumption from diet or supplementation.

Deficiency in children can lead to growth impediments and increased risk of infection.

During pregnancy and lactation, women may need extra zinc.

Zinc prevents cellular damage in the retina, which helps in delaying the progression of AMD and vision loss

It has been known for decades that zinc has a significant role in immune function. Deficiency has been linked to increased inflammation in chronic disease and triggering new inflammatory processes.

Zinc plays a role in maintaining skin integrity and structure. Patients experiencing chronic wounds or ulcers often have deficient zinc metabolism and lower serum zinc levels. 

zinc has a crucial role in regulating how neurons communicate with one another, affecting how memories are formed and how we learn.

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