Pickled Cabbage and Beets

By: Chef Set Balkis Tuesday 10th April 2018

Pickled Cabbage and Beets


300 grams of cabbage

300 grams of beetroot

1 ½ tablespoon of coarse salt

1 liter of water

1 spoon of apple cider vinegar

Dash of sugar

Method of Preparation

Drop a fresh egg in the water, if it floats, the salt quantity is right.

Add the vinegar and sugar.

Cut the cabbage into large chunks and the beetroot into medium sized pieces.

In a 1 Kg jar, drop the cabbage, 2 garlic cloves, the beetroot and add water and salt on top.

Then close the jar firmly for 15 days.

When used, it should be preserved in the refrigerator.

By Set Balkis.


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